Thursday, September 12, 2013

Going back to Africa

Dear friends & family,

Most of you have already heard about my plan going back to Uganda. While I was there the last time I just had the strong feeling that God wants me to come back to serve specifically in the area of kids. So I was talking to my base leader Dr. Tim and shared my feelings with him. During that conversation he told me about his big vision for the pre-school and a coming primary school on our base. He said that it would be so helpful to have a trained teacher during the time of planning eveything and also during the time of starting the projekts. So I deceided to come back when I was still there. That made it even harder to leave this place. But now its hard to leave Austria as well. I feel like I belong here too. I was spending beautiful 6 months in a christan school in Vienna. I learned so much in the area of teaching and about the way how to talk about God in school. But I know God will use those skills.

I'll be leaving on the 15th of September at 10pm. And I will arrive at Entebbe Airport at 1pm the next day. Then I will stay on Hopeland Base in Jinja for a week to attend a staff orientation week. After that I will go to another YWAM Base in Uganda. This one is in Soroti. Its about 6 hours from Jinja. There I will stay for about a month. This YWAM Base has already a primary school so while I will work there I can find out how they teach in ugandan schools. That will help me a lot to support the development on Hopeland. On the 1st of November I will be going back to Hopeland. There I will work in the pre-school and beside that I will help with the planning process of the coming primary school. During the summer break in December I will work with street kids.

This time I am not going on my own like I was last time. I will be flying with my friend Noemi. She will stay about 3 months with me in Uganda. My boyfriend Benni is already there. He is doing his DTS right now. After that we will probably work together in the pre-school. So our time in Uganda will be a time defining our relationship as well to find out what we going to do afterwards. We both don't know yet how long we going to stay exactly. At least we will stay till the end of March. I was thinking of maybe staying till June.

My adress in Jinja on Hopeland is:
Raphaela Seehofer
P.O. Box 739
YWAM Hopeland

If you want to send me some stuff, I would be so grateful. Just a chocolate bar or some tea bags and you would make my day! But if you want to send some stuff for the kids (for example some sweets, clothes, pens, books,...) I would be even more grateful. To see them smile just means everything to me! I could send you some pictures of the kids using your stuff in reverse.
If you are too busy to send a package you could also put some money in my account and I will buy the stuff you order for the kids.

(This picture is from a friend from America. She got clothes from a lady named Maria for the kids while I was in Uganda last time. The kids were just so happy.)

Prayer requests:

-  HEALTH, I need Gods supernatural protection in this nation full of malaria, typhus and so on. When I was in hospital the last time I was shocked by the condition there. It was a miracle I got well when I was sick.
- GUIDANCE & WISDOM, It's very important for me to hear God clearly and to get his direction. One of the questions I have is how long I should stay. An other one  is concerning my relationship with Benni. If God wants us to stay together and marry we have to decide if we move to Austria or to Swizerland (for those of you who don't know, hes from Switzerland) after coming back from Uganda. These are just two of my questions where I need Gods wisdom.
- VISA, Because I will be staying longer I need a long time visa. This one is quite hard to get. What makes it even harder is the fakt that all my documents are in German.
- MONEY, I have to pay staff fees (200$ per month) and I have to pay my own insurance. I saved a good amount of money during the time I worked in the school in Vienna but like it was last time there, you always need some extra money. I just hope I'll have enough money to stay as long as God wants me to.

If anyone wants to support me not just in prayer but also financially, here my bank details:

Raphaela Seehofer
Konto-Nr.: 20110036400
BLZ: 60000

Thanks to everyone who is supporting and praying for me!

May God bless you!


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