Thursday, May 29, 2014

last uptate

Dear friends & family,

This entry will be the last one until I will return to Uganda in November/December. I already mentioned that I wanna come back for the pre-school graduation and as well for Judith’s wedding at the end of this year. 

the children of top class

Around Easter I really struggled with the thought of going home soon. I just couldn't imagine not being any more with those kids I love so much. I prayed a lot and it took me a while to really get peace about this whole situation. During that time I was reading a christian book and the author described how it always helps him to read through the book of psalms when ever he doesn't have peace in his heart. I took this advice and started to read every time I was not feeling okay until I had this peace. It really helped. My attitude chanced completely, I started to see the whole situation from a different perspective. I began to be grateful instead of being upset. I could see what an amazing time I had during this period of teaching those children. I remembered all the wonderful moments and every child that smiled because of my effort.

Iga Aaron

I started to realize what blessing I got from heaven. I was able to afford coming all the way to Africa to live that dream I had. God used me, even though I am not someone who had studied for years or had lots of experiences in teaching. But God did not just use me, he blessed me in so many ways. I never thought that I would become so close to so many people here on Hope Land. I am sure some of this friendships will last for a long time. Besides that I could really see how my time in Africa helped me strengthen my relationship with God. There were so many times where I struggled, but God was always there. I could feel how he encouraged me and how he was my eye in the storm. I learned to trust God at a new level and to praise him even in the middle of the storm.

Judith & the Syemi family
Peace & Judith

So what was going on the last weeks?

The week before Easter the 1
st term at the pre-school ended abrupt. This term was supposed to end the week after Easter so I planned to say bye to them on this very last day of 1st term and then go to Soroti until I go home. But for some reasons (up to now I don't know them) the term ended on Thursday before Easter. I figured out on Thursday. After the children had already left. Even some of the children didn't know so they came to school the week after... well I guess that's Africa! So for those reasons I came back from Soroti earlier to see the children of Hope Land pre school and say bye before I leave.

After the 1st term in preschool ended Ben & I went to Soroti. Unfortunately I got sick before we went and I got sick again when we were already in Soroti. So we didn't actually have much time there. But I was able to visit the children I taught last year.  Now they aren't in pre-school anymore, they have made it to Primary school. They were so happy to see me again, some couldn't believe I really came. That day was so special! I was so proud of them, they all did so well in school! Besides that I also went to the pre school. It was so good to see the teachers and spend time together. I also did some activities with the children there, some even remembered my name, I was so amazed! I was never their teacher they only saw me during break time but still, they know who I was. One child (David) was asking me if I could fold for him air planes and boats as I always did it with my class last year. It's incredible how children remember small things! I also spent some time in AMECET, the children's home I was working last year. I was surprised by how many children I knew were still there. It was good to see them but also to meet some new ones. A girl which was still there is Sabina. Now she is 5 months. She came to AMECET when she was a new born baby. I was there when Sabina arrived. She was very sick. A nurse from AMECET was sitting next to her bed day and night fighting for her life. Now she has fully recovered and is even beyond her age in her development. She is very active and always smiling. I was so happy to see her again and she made me laugh a lot. I thank Jesus for saving her life and for putting such a joy in her. Right now there are also taking care of a boy named Max and he is in the end stadium of AIDS. I could not believe my eyes when I saw him. He was so skinny and even though he is 12 years he is not able to stand or talk any more. By the time we came to Soroti he was at least able to eat but by the time we left they had to feed him through a tube in his nose. The reason why they still feed him even though he is not able to do it on his own is because of the AIDS medication. If he doesn't get his tablets he would go through a lot of pain. So I am just praying that God would take him soon so he doesn’t have to suffer any more!
The last child I want to mention is Alice. I wrote about her in my 3
rd blog entry. She was my favourite child back than and it was so hard for me when she left to go back to her family. By that time she was around 9 months. During my time in Soroti a police officer brought her back to AMECET because her mother neglected her. She was very sick and afraid when she came. It broke my heart. Over the days she got well again and also started to smile. I tried to spend as much time with her as possible but the day I had to say bye again came to quick. I still think about her a lot and it's my prayer that AMECET will find someone who will really take care of that precious girl!




So this week is my last week here in Uganda. Now we are back in Jinja busy saying good bye. Tuesday night a couple from the base invited us over for dinner. We had such a lovely time. We talked about the high and low points and about what God was doing in our lives during the time in Uganda. At the end they prayed for us. On Wednesday morning people had the opportunity to speak words of thanksgiving to us during devotion. They also prayed for us. After that, Ben & I were invited to spend some time with the leadership of the base for evaluation. They also thanked us and prayed for us especially for Gods guidance and wisdom concerning our relationship and our future as individuals. Wednesday lunch the pre-school teachers prepared a special meal for us to thank us and to say goodbye. Wednesday afternoon during the staff meeting people were bringing cake and tea to show me how much they appreciated my work. They asked me to share about my time in the pre-school and they also prayed for me. What a day! I felt so blessed! Today I was saying bye to my kids. Some of them didn't really get me when I said I'm leaving on Saturday. They where asking if I would be back on Monday then. I told them that I would come back for graduation so I hope that will motivate them to study hard.

my co teachers, Irene & Imelda
Although I'm sad to leave on Saturday I'm just so happy and grateful for so many things. Thanks to everyone who prayed for me. I was able to buy a Printer for the school and I even had enough money to buy other stuff that was needed. God is good! Please continue to pray for me, this time especially for the journey! Recently some one missed his flight because of the traffic. So we are planning to leave early but still, pray that everything will go well. 4 friends of mine are joining us for the first 5 hours of our journey – they will come all the way to the airport, how sweet! Our plane will leave Uganda at 3:45pm. We will arrive in Vienna at around 8:00pm the next day. In between we will have a 17 hour layover in Dubai... thank God, our airline pays for hotel rooms!

Alright I think that’s it... see u soon!
Love from Africa,