Saturday, February 22, 2014

Updates from Jinja

Dear family & friends!
Time is running so fast! It's my 5th blog entry already. I hope you are all fine!? I'm having some ups and downs here but I believe that all things will work together for my good.

After a week of checking out some other children ministries around Jinja in December I flew home for two weeks and surprised my family. They had no idea that I would come. I can't tell you guys how nervous I was. I started planing the whole thing about 3 months ago when I discovered that the pre-school would be closed for about 2 months. I thought I would have enough time to go home so I looked for a cheep flight. During that time I found out that a teachers course would take place in January starting on the 6th. So I wanted to be back for that. And because my friend Noemi went home on the 21th of December I decided to fly with her. Because I was late for booking I found only flights, which were more expensive than I thought I could pay. But I remembered how hard it was for me and my family to be separated the year before on Christmas. Beside that I knew how challenging it was for my parents and my brother to let me go not even knowing when they will see me again. So I surprised them having me home much earlier than they expected. I prayed for about 3 days until I really got peace about going home. And when I told God that I would not know if I could afford the more expensive flight I just felt as if he would say that this problem should not be mine but his. After I confirmed my flight I got some unexpected money from friends and found out that I have to pay less for staying on the base. I really experienced Gods provision in that whole situation of going home! Its amazing how God cares for the small things. He really sees our heart and answers our prayers! So I had two wonderful weeks in Austria. Even though it was too cold I enjoyed every single day. I felt like Christmas has never been so nice before. I really appreciated being with my family this time because I knew how it was like the year before. And the food was so so good! I ate so much during that two weeks. I felt sick all the time because I ate way to much haha.. I really had to get as much good food as possible during that time ;-)

On our way home we had a 13 hour layover in Dubai. I can't tell u how cold it was on the airport!

Alright, now I'm back in Jinja. I really enjoy the good weather! Especially after the two weeks of coldness. And I enjoy knowing that I will stay at the same place at least for the next 3 months. The last months have just been to stressful because of traveling.

The first three weeks back in Jinja I attended a teachers course called 'Education for Transformation'. It was all about getting to know in what way God created children and how he wants them to grow in their real identity. The course was led by a German lady. She has been in Africa for the last 20 years and started a lot of projects to enable teachers to teach in a biblical way. This lady is such a hero to me. She came to Uganda when there was no electricity or running water at all. She told me that there were snakes everywhere and that a phone call for just 3 minutes cost her 100$. I could not believe her stories and the main thing I could not believe was that she followed the call of God even though she had to face all that. My circumstances are like being on holiday compared to those she faced 20 years ago. And what she accomplished the last 20 years is even more amazing than that. A lot of teachers got trained by her and are now able to teach others. She started schools in 3 different countries of Africa to set role models so that other schools can follow that example. I don't know how many of you are aware of how horrible the schools in Uganda are (or Africa in general) and how important it is to have some competent teachers. Having good influence on 3 to 6 year old can chance their lives completely. Those children are the future presidents, police officers and mothers of Uganda. I believe that teachers can destroy a lot when they don't value a child. I feel so sorry for all the kids who get beaten up day by day. And I know that those who don't get physical abused get mental abused. Many teachers tell their children that they are stupid and just a waste of time. It is true that there are also bad teachers in the West but they are at least trained and know about a child's development and how they can destroy their self worth in those important years. Some times I just have to cry when I think about that unfairness.
If you want to know more about 'Education 4 Transformation' check out the web page:

During the last week of the teachers course we had a 'Charism School' here on the base. The organizers from that conference told us that the teacher, Damian Stain, is well known in Africa for his gift of healing and that we would receive about 1000 people. I was very curious for that event. It turned out to be different than expected. We just had about 500 people and about 90% were Catholics. But even though we had less people then expected our base was pretty crowded. A lot of people who came from far away could not afford sleeping in a guest house so they slept on the floors of our classrooms. Some didn't even have the money for the offered food during those three days. That showed me their deep hunger for Christ. If I would not have the money to attend a conference I would just not go. But they came even though it meant a lot of sacrifice for them. Because I was sick at the beginning of that week I was still weak. So I wasn't attending all sessions. But the ones I went to I really enjoyed. Damian Stain talked a lot about how to live a pure life for God and how to walk in the anointing. During the practical applications I could feel Gods presence and I saw a lot of healing. But the thing that meant the most for me was seeing so many Catholics having passion for God.

Two weeks ago the preschool started after two months of holiday. The week before I was involved in setting up the classrooms and making materials. Because the base couldn't raise the money yet for building the new classrooms for the primary school the children are placed in an old building near the preschool for now. So yes, we started the primary school even though we haven't got the building yet. That's Africa! I was supposed to teach those children in Primary school but then the head teacher changed her mind. Unfortunately we just have 10 children in Primary school so far. But we got more children in the preschool than expected. So they needed more help there and I'm teaching Top Class (5-6 year olds) again. At the beginning I was just having one co teacher but later I got a second one. That makes working with our 34 children much easier. I love all of my new kids and I enjoy every day. Even though the work is hard some times. Especially because I have to prepare my lessons every day in the afternoon. After 5 hours with the children I would rather go to bed than making materials because it's just so exhausting. But here the children don't have nice books for studying or fancy learning materials for discovering and exploring. Everything they learn from has to be made by the teachers out of paper. So we always draw a lot of pictures and make flashcards or little games. Every day I'm teaching one lesson out of the Biblical Curriculum in the morning and after break I'm teaching health care. The Bible time in the morning helps to show the children their real identity. Many of them face a lot of rejection in their life and just to hear that they are precious in Gods eyes and that he loves them so much means a lot to them. The other two teachers are teaching mathematics and language. I'm always trying to help them with methods we use in the West to teach more efficient. Most times the teachers wonder about my way of teaching just because it's new to them, but because the children learn a lot easier with the western way the two teachers mostly try to adopt the methods... Luckily!

During class time


Marvin, Bweswiri and Robert
Having fun with Joshua
During break time
Morning circle

When I get free time during all that work I'm very glad to spend my time with so many good friends I have here on Hope Land.
Children from the base and me

Ben and me

Jenna from Canada

My roommate Judith

About for weeks ago I received 5 packages. 4 of them were full of stuff for the school. Thank you so much Sonja Pfaffel & Katrin Plessl, my dear friends from home! The other teachers were just so happy and helped me with putting everything into order. The children love all the toys and the boys always fight for the cars. Using nice pencils makes the work for teachers easier. The 5th package was from a friend I did DTS with last year. Thank you a lot Lindsay Brinkman for all the goodies! It brought back so many memories.

First time, trying Austrian toys

Trying to figure out what that thing is...

First time using the water color.
Last week I got my 5th package from my mom. Thank you so much for sending food all the time. It is so nice to eat some Austrian chocolate after working 9 hours.

Thanks as well to everyone who contributed some money. You may have thought it was not much but it helped me a lot!

Prayer requests:
VISA: I still have to work on my visa. They didn't give me my work permit yet I just got another visitor visa for 3 months. I don't know if that's good or bad but what I know is that I need to extend. Hopefully they will do that without problems.
MONEY: I am trying to buy a computer and a printer for the school. It would make the work much easier and as well more efficient. I have never seen a school in the West without a computer or printer, and now I know why. The head teacher told me that she is praying for a computer and a printer for several years. I don't know how much it will cost but just pray with me that I will find a place where they sell cheep computers. If you want to contribute I thank you already. I've already bought a laminating machine. It really helps to make the work easier and the teachers just love it.
STENGTH & PROTECTION: right now I'm working about 45 hours a week and I have been stick already so please pray that God will protect me from falling sick again and that I will not get tired from all the work.

Thanks to everyone who is praying! I know that prayer has power and I believe that God is not just listening but answering.

Blessings from Jinja,